Kochi: The Bombay High Court has rejected a plea filed by the victim and the accused Binoy Kodiyeri, son of CPM Kerala State Secretary Kodiyeri Balakrishnan, to settle a case filed by the victim against Binoy three years ago.
Rejecting the ‘Consent Terms’ plea of the complainant hailing from Bihar and Binoy, the division bench of the court said that the plea could not be considered as it was a criminal case
that included rape charges lodged by the victim against Binoy.
They said that they wanted to settle the matter considering the future of the child. When the court asked whether the two were married, Binoy’s lawyer denied it while the woman’s lawyer answered in assertive. When the court sought more clarity on the matter, the prosecution agreed that the two were married.
The court said that it wanted more clarity on the matter before considering the case further. Binoy had rejected the charges after which a DNA test was conducted.
The results of the DNA test was yet to be released by the court.