
WhatsApp Image 2023-02-26 at 9.49.20 AM (1)
WhatsApp Image 2023-02-26 at 9.49.20 AM

Idukki Dam opened

Kochi: Water was released for the fifth time in the history of Idukki Dam today making October a special month as far as the dam is concerned.

Four times water was released in the month of October and only once in August in 2018.Water was first released on October 29, 1981 after the dam was commissioned in 1976.It took more than ten years to open it again in 1992 October 12.

It took over a quarter of a century to open it in 2018 when the dam was opened twice due to heavy rains which terrorised the state due to unprecedented flooding.

It was opened on August 9, 2018 which led to flooding of Periyar triggering floods in Ernakulam and nearby districts. It was opened in the same year on October 6.

And now the dam is being opened just three years after it was opened last.Why is the government reluctant when taking a decision on opening the shutter? Obviously it is the aim of preserving maximum water that can be turned into money by generating power. 

And the second one is purely political. There are a large number of human settlements on the banks of the downstream Cheruthoni river through which water is released when the shutters of Idukki dam are lifted.

This was witnessed mainly during the rule of Congress led government when water level came close to Full Water Level in October 2013.

Fortunately, rains stopped suddenly and there was no rain for weeks together leading to fall in water level in the dam.It was on February 12, 1976 when the dam was inaugurated by the then prime minister Indira Gandhi.

Before Idukki dam was constructed, water used to flow through Cheruthoni river throughout the year. During the rainy season water level in the river would go up making it impossible for people to live anywhere near the river. 

After commissioning of the dam flow of water through Cheruthoni river is minimal as rain water and water from other water bodies would join the river and join the Periyar.

Meanwhile, shutter numbers two, three, and four were raised by 35 centimeters to release water at a volume of 100 cubic water per second.

Water level had reached 2,398 feet against its full level at 2,403 before the shutters were opened. Ministers K Krishnankutty and Roshy Augustine are monitoring the situation.

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